Every student is faced with this important question when it’s time study in a higher institution. “Which University would be a good choice and why”
Many have made the mistake of choosing a university because of it’s name, past glory or location without considering factors that will foster good or bad learning. This mistake often lands them in disappointment.
We have done a qiuck run down of some factors a university aspirant should consider before making their choice.
1. System Of Learning
This particular factor should bother every aspiring student before diving into his/her choice.
Nigerian University can be ranked high or low using this factor. How serious is the lectures taken, how well do lecturers try to make students understand what they teach, How consistent is the university with it’s activities and in following the school calendar.
2. Available Learning Facilities
Learning is easier and more efficient with availability of the needed facilities and equipments. This includes, Good, comfortable classrooms, functional and well managed university library (very important), laboratories and equipments, workshops and machines.
All these aforementioned facilities should all be put in place and in good state to make learning more efficient.
3. School Environment And Location
Good environment gives students the needed comfort and peace of mind for learning. Schools located where it is easy for students to access markets and other important places necessary for their well-being is important.
4. Course Of Choice
Choice of course is also an important factor why an aspiring student will have to decide on a University than the other. They are some Universities that excel and are very good at some course reasons being that such universities must have acquired necessary facilities for easy learning of such courses.
Universities aspirants should make good use of such factors in determining their choice of institution.
5. School Fees And Financial Capability
In as much as one must have taken into consideration above factors, one should also have in mind his/her financial capabilities as in regard to school fees requirements and cost of living while in school.
While some Universities mostly private, has high financial cost for studying in their University, some federal and state owned Universities are readily affordable. Therefore aspiring students should weigh their pockets before making a choice to avoid facing financial problems that could affect their studies or even lead to them dropping out of school.
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